Most of this grade 2* listed building was constructed in the pre-Tudor era.

The houses are served by a 40 kW EcoAngus Orligno 200 wood gasification boiler. It heats a 2400 litre oval Akvantti accumulator tank which we were able to raise into a position on the first floor, supported by steel beams. The tank supplies heat to the main house via an UFH system with mains pressure hot water.


Transfer of heat from the boiler to the Akvaterm is controlled by a Laddomat 21-60 load charging pump and valve, helping to maintain efficient combustion.


The accumulator is also linked to a pair of air source heat pumps. These provide an automated backup in the event that the log boiler is not in service.


The system also supplies heat to an adjoining property, which is in common ownership. An existing gas boiler has been retained for backup to ensure that the tenants do not need to rely on the boiler always being in operation.