This grade 2* listed manor house is heated by a Klover Smart 80 pellet–fired boiler/range cooker.  The owners of this detached rural property have been able to make considerable annual savings on their fuel costs.


The boiler is connected to a 500 litre buffer tank and a 250 litre hot water cylinder. It supplies the central heating and hot water system, but it also incorporates a sealed oven and a cast-iron hot plate which are used for cooking. Its nominal output is 17.5kW to heating/hot water and 5.2 kW to room, but by closing or opening the stainless steel hob covers the proportion of heat going into the room can be controlled.


It has a 32kg internal ‘day’ hopper which needs to be kept topped up manually with three 10kg bags of wood pellets, roughly once a day in winter and every 2 or 3 days in summer.