This Building Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV) façade consists of 31 modules connected into 8 separate strings. The array has an overall rated output of 5.27 kWp. The PV modules were manufactured by Romag and the glazing mounting system by Schuco.
Within the array each group of similarly size modules is linked into a single string and connected to an inverter in the plant room on the top floor of the building. To realise the ambition of the glazing designer we were required to create a complex arrangement of interconnecting cables mounted externally on the façade, hidden underneath the cappings on the mullions and transoms.
We used a combination of inverters from Mastervolt, SMA, Steca and Enecsys to match the voltage ranges for each of the strings. These were then linked via a generation meter to a 3-phase distribution board.